• Twilight 2008 Movie Cast

    Twilight 2008 Movie Cast
    1. Twilight 2008 Movie Cast

    But dying in the place of someone I love. Seems like a good way to go. So, I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. I would miss Phoenix, I'd miss the heat, I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother And her new husband.Guys, come on!

    Jump to navigation Jump to search. Nicole Houston Reed (born May 17, 1988) is an American actress, screenwriter, singer-songwriter, and model known for her portrayal of vampire Rosalie Hale in The Twilight Saga (2008–2012).

    I love you both, we got a plain to catch. But they wanna go on the road, So I'm gonna spend some time with my dad And this will be a good thing. Twilight In the state of Washington, Under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, There's a small town named Forks. Population: 3120 people.

    This is where I'm moving My dad's Charlie. He's the Chief of Police.Your hair's longer.I cut since last time I saw you.I guess it grew a lot again. I used to spend two weeks here almost every summer, But it's been years.I cleared some shelves up in the bathroom. One bathroom.It's a pretty good work lamp.The Sears lady picked up the bed stuff.You like purple, right? -Purple's cool. One of the best things about Charlie. He doesn't hover.I heard you guys coming all the way down the road.

    Good to see you.Bella, you remember Billy Black.You're looking good.I'm still dancing.I'm glad youre finally here.Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming.Alright, keep exaggerating. I'll roll you into the mud -Until I ram you in the ankles.Yeah, bring it!

    -Hi, I'm Jacob.We used to make mud pies when we were little.Right, I remember.Are they always like this? -It's getting worse with old age.So, what do you think? -Your homecoming present.Just bought it off Billy, here.I totally rebuilt the engine for you.This is perfect!

    -You must be joking! -I told you she'd love it.I'm down with the kids.Oh, yeah dude. You're the bomb.Okay, -you gotta double pump the clutch when you shift but.Besides that, you should be good.That's this one? -Yeah, right there.You want a ride to school or something?

    -I go to school on the reservation.That's too bad. It would've been good to know one person. My first day in a new school. It's March, the middle of the semester.You're Isabella Swan, the new girl.

    I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place.Anything you need? Tour guide, lunch date.A shoulder to cry on.I'm really kind of a more 'suffer in silence' type -Good headline for your feature.I'm on the paper and you're news baby, -front page.Please don't.I told them not to let me play.You're Isabella, right? -Nice to meet you.She's got a great spike, huh?

    -I'm Jessica, by the way.Hey, you're from Arizona, right? -Aren't people from Arizona supposed to be like.Yeah, maybe that's why they kicked me out.You're good.That's so funny.A Master Piece.We're gonna have like this crazy pyramid fall from the sky.

    You met my home girl, Bella.Oh, your home girl? -Oh my God, -it's like first grade all over again.You're the shiny new toy.Sorry, I needed the candid for the feature.Feature's dead, Angela.Don't bring it up again.It's okay, I just.I got your back, baby.I guess we'll just turn another editorial on teen drinking.You can always go for.The eating disorders.Speedo padding on the swim team.Actually, that's a good one.Yeah, right. That's exactly what I thought.We're talking Olympic size.There's no way, he's so skinny. It doesn't make sense.Totally -Who are they? -The Cullens.They're, um.

    Cullens foster kids.They moved down here from Alaska a few years ago.They kind of keep to themselves.Yeah, 'cause they're all together.Like together together.The blond girl, that's Rosalie, -and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett.They're like a thing.I'm not even sure that's legal.Jess, they're not actually related.Yeah, but they live together. Okay, -the little dark-haired girl is Alice. She's really weird. She's with Jasper, the blonde one, who looks like he's in pain.Dr.Cullen is like this foster dad-slash-match maker.Maybe he'll adopt me.That's Edward Cullen.He's totally gorgeous, obviously.But apparently nobody here is good enough for him.Like I care.Seriously, don't waste your time.I wasn't planning on it.Hi, your pass? -Thank you, -welcome to class.Here's your stuff, okay?

    -I got a seat for you right here, it's the last one so.Just tag along until you catch up.Alright guys, today we're gonna be observing the behavior of Planaria, -a.k.a.There must be something open.Every class is full, my dear.I just checked in here.I'm afraid you'll have to stay in Biology.Fine, I'll just. Accept to endure it.I just can't get over how grown up you are.And so gorgeous.You remember me? -I played Santa one year.Yeah, Waylon. She hasn't had a Christmas here since she was four.I bet I made an impression, didn't I? -You always do.Bad crack Santa. Kids love those little bottles though.Let the girl eat her Garden Burger, Waylon.As soon as youre done I will bring you your favorite.Berry Cobbler, remember?

    -Your dad still has it.Every Thursday.Thank you, that will be great. So listen, -if Phil's training goes well, -we could be moving to Florida.(Please insert a dollar twenty five for an additional three minutes.) -Mom, where's your cel?

    -Okay, don't laugh.I didn't lose my power cord, it ran away.I literally repel technology now. I miss you too.But tell me more about your school. What are the kids like? -Are there any cute guys? -Are they being nice to you? They're all very welcoming.

    Tell me all about it.It doesn't even matter.Yes it does, honey! -I have homework to do.I'll talk to you later.Okay, I love you.Love you too. I planned to confront him. And demand to know what his problem was. But he never showed. And the next day.

    Another no-show. More days passed. And things were getting a little.Are you alright? -Yeah, I'm good.Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated. That's why I had some new tires put on the truck.The old ones were getting really bold.Well, I'll probably be late for dinner.Gotta head down to Mason County.

    A security guard at the Grisham mill got killed by some kind of animal.You're not in Phoenix anymore, Bells.Anyway, I figured I'd lend a hand.And thanks for the tires.Prom Committee is a chick thing but, -I got it covered for the paper anyway, -and they need a guy to help choose the music, so.I need your playlist. Listen, I was wondering.Um, Did you have a date to the.What's up, Arizona! -You're liking the rain, girl? -You gotta get used to it, girl.Hey Mike, you're real cute man.I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to introduce myself last week.I'm Edward Cullen.You're Bella? -Onion root tip cells!

    -That's what's on your slides right now.So separate and label them into the phases of Mitosis.And the first partners to get it right are gonna win.The golden onion! -Ladies first.You were gone. Um, I was out of town for a couple of days.Personal reasons.You mind if I.It's prophase.Like I said. You're enjoying the rain?

    -You're asking me about the weather? -I guess I am.Well, I don't really like the rain.Any cold, -wet thing.And I'm really.

    Anaphase -You mind if I check? -Like I said.If you hate the cold and the rain so much, -why did you move to wettest place in the continental U.S.? -It's complicated.I'm sure I can keep up.Um, my mom remarried.So, you don't like the guy.? -No, that's not. Phil's really nice.It's Metaphase. You wanna check it?

    -No, I believe you.Why didn't you move with your mother and Phil? -Well, Phil's a minor league baseball player.And he travels a lot.My mom stayed home with me but I knew it didn't make her happy so.I figured I'd stay with my dad for a while.And now you're unhappy.I'm sorry, I'm just trying to figure you out.You're very difficult for me to read.Hey, did you get contacts? -Your eyes were black the last time I saw you and now.They're like golden-brown.Yeah, I know. Um, -it's the fluorescence.Bella, I'm so sorry. I've got 911 on the phone now.Bella, -are you okay?

    -You and I are gonna talk.You alright? -I'm fine dad, calm down.I'm sorry Bella, I tried to stop.I know, it's okay.No, as sure as hell it's not okay.Dad, it wasn't his fault.You could've been killed. You understand that? But I wasn't, so.You can kiss your license goodbye.I heard the Chief's daughter was in.Oh, Dr.Cullen.I got this one, Jackie.Well, Bella. Looks like it's a quiet spill.

    How do you feel? -You might experience some post-traumatic stress. Disorientation but.Your vitals are good.No signs of any head trauma.I think you'll be just fine.I'm so sorry Bella, I'm really.It would have been a lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way.Yeah, it was amazing.I mean, he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me.Sounds like you were very lucky.I need to sign some paperwork.You should probably call your mom.Did you tell her?

    -She's probably just. Freaking out.What happened.What was I supposed to do? -This isn't just about you. It's about all of us.I think we should talk this in my office.Can I talk to you for a minute? -How did you get over to me so fast? -I was standing right next to you, Bella.No, -you were next to your car.

    Across the lot.No, I wasn't.Yes, you were! -Bella, you hit your head. I think you're confused.I know what I saw.What exactly was that? You stopped the van.You pushed it away with your hand.Well, nobody's gonna believe you, so.I wasn't gonna tell anybody.I just need to know the truth.Can't you just thank me and get over it?

    -You're not gonna let this go, are you? -Well, then I hope you enjoy disappointment. That was the first night I dreamt with Edward Cullen.I need everybody's permission slips, so.Look at you, huh?

    -You're alive! -I know, Yeah. False alarm, I guess.Um, now I wanted to ask you, you know.

    It's like a month away but.Do you wanna go to Prom.? What do you think? -Do you wanna go.? -Not such a good idea for me.I have something that weekend, anyway.I'm going to Jacksonville that weekend.You can't go another weekend? -Non-refundable ticket.You should ask Jessica.I know she wants to go with you.We gotta go, we gotta go!

    Green is what? -Guys, come on!

    -Eggshells, carrot-tops.Compost is cool! Now stuff it in there.Very good, very good.Now I'm gonna make a steaming cup of compost-tea.Give me that.Yeah, this is recycling in its most basic form, guys. Don't drink it! It's for the plants.What's in Jacksonville? -How did you know about that?

    You didn't answer my question.Well, you don't answer any of mine, so.I mean, you don't even say 'Hi' to me.Are you gonna tell me how you stopped the van? I had an adrenaline rush.It's very common.You can Google-it.That's what's in Jacksonville.Can you at least watch where you walk?! I'm sorry I'm being rude all the time.I just think it's the best way.

    Guess who's just asked me to Prom. I actually thought Mike was gonna ask you.Um, it's not gonna be weird though, right? -No, Zero weirdness.You guys are great together.I know, right? -Bella, look.It's a worm. We shouldn't be friends.You really shouldve figured that out a little earlier.I mean, why didn't you just let the van crush me.And save yourself all this.You think I regret saving you? -I can see that you do.Don't know why.You don't know anything. Are you gonna be riding with us?

    -No, our bus is full.Your mom called.Well, that's your fault, you shouldn't have told her about the almost-accident.Are you finished? -I suppose you're right. She always did know how to worry.She seems different.She seems happy.Phil sounds like an alright guy.Yeah, he is. La Push, baby.Should I know what that means?

    -La Push Beach down the Quileute Rez. We're all going tomorrow.Yeah, there's a big fun coming in.And I don't just surf the Internet.Eric, you stood up once.And it was a foam board.But there's whale watching too.

    Come with us.La Push, baby.I'll go if you stop saying that, okay? -Seriously dude.

    It's creepy, man.You know, your mood swings are kind of giving me a whiplash.I only said it'd be better for you if we weren't friends, not that I didn't want to be.What does that mean? -It means, if you're smart, you'd stay away from me.Well, let's say for argument sake that I'm not smart.Will you tell me truth?

    -No, probably not.I'd rather hear your theories.I have considered. Radioactive spiders and Kryptonite.That's all super-hero stuff, right? -What if I'm not the hero? -What if I'm.The bad guy? -I can see what you're trying to put off.But I can see that it's just to keep people away from you.That's a mask.Why don't we just.Everybody is going to the beach.I mean, have fun.Which beach? -I dont know.Is there something wrong with that beach? -It's just a little crowded.Its freezing.You gotta go out, folks.I don't know if it's worth it anymore.We're all the way out here.You guys are babies.So, I keep thinking that Eric's gonna ask me to the Prom.And he just.You should ask him.Take control.

    Youre a strong independent woman.Can you help me out? Guys, this is Jacob. How you doing? -What are you, like, stalking me? -You're on my rez, remember? -Are you surfing?

    -Definitely not.You guys should keep Bella company. Um, her date bailed.She invited Edward.To be polite, that's it.I think it's nice she invited him. Nobody ever does.Yeah, 'cause Cullen's a freak.You got that right! -You guys know him? -The Cullens don't come here.What did your friends mean about.You know, 'The Cullens don't come here'? -You caught that, huh? -I'm not really supposed to say anything about it.Hey, I can keep a secret.Um, really it's just like an old scary story.Well, I want to know.Okay, did you know that Quileutes are supposedly descendants from wolves?

    -Like wolves. That's a legend of our tribe. So, what's the story about the Cullens? -Well, they're supposedly descendants from this, like.My great-grandfather, the chief, found them hunting on our land.But they claimed to be something different, so.

    We made a treaty with them.If they promised to say off Quileute lands, -then we wouldn't expose what they really were to.The pale faces.I thought they just moved here.Or just moved back.What are they really? -It's just a story, Bella.Come on, let's go.(.My mamma said I didn't know how to make a kitten meow.) -Hello? -Nice jacket.Who are you? -It's always the same inane questions.' Who are you?' -'What do you want?' -'Why are you doing this?'

    -Let's not play with our food.He's not here.Whenever the weather's nice the Cullens disappear. They just ditch? Cullen yank them out for hiking and camping and stuff.I tried that on my parents. Not even close. I'm going to the Prom with Eric.I just asked him.

    I took control.I told you that would happen.Are you sure you have to go out of town? It's a weird family thing.Okay, we should go shopping to Port Angeles before all the good dresses get cleaned out.Port Angeles? -You mind if I come? I need your opinion.I like this one.That's cool.But I don't know about the one-shoulder thing.I like this one.Yeah, I like the knitting.Jess, what do you think?

    -Is that good? Is that my color? I like that dusty-rose one too.Okay, I like this one. It makes my boobs look good.That is uncomfortable.Oh, it's disgusting.Bella, what do you think? -Looks great.You said that about the last five dresses though.I thought they were pretty good.Not really into this, are you?

    -I, actually, really just wanna go to this bookstore.Meet you guys at the restaurant? -Are you sure? -Yeah, see you in a minute.She's right though. It looks awesome.Here you go.We saw you at the dress shop.Hey, where are you running to? -There she is.How are you guys doing? -What's up, girl?

    Where are you going? -Where are you going? -Hang out with us.What's the problem? -You're pretty.Don't touch me.Seriously, you should.Don't touch me! -Get in the car.That was a very dangerous.I should go back there and rip those guy's heads off.No, you shouldn't.You don't know the vile, repulsive things they're thinking.It was not hard to guess.Can you talk about something else.And distract me so I won't turn around?

    -Can you just put your seatbelt on? -Put your own seatbelt on. Guys, I'm sorry.Where were you? We left you messages.We waited but we were starving, so we.I'm sorry I kept Bella from dinner.We just ran into each other and got talking.No, we totally understand, I mean.That happens, right? -Um, we were just leaving so.Bella, you wanna.I think I should make sure Bella gets something to eat.If you'd like.I'll drive you home myself.It's really thoughtful, yeah.Yeah, I should eat something.

    I'll see you tomorrow.One Mushroom Ravioli.Yeah, no problem. Are you sure there isn't anything I can get for you? -Let me know.You're really not gonna eat? -No, I'm on a. Special diet.You gotta give me some answers.To get to the other side.I don't want to know what the square root of Pi is.You knew that? -How did you know where I was? -Don't leave.I feel very.

    Protective of you.So you followed me.I was trying to keep a distance unless you needed my help and then.I heard what those low-lives were thinking.You say you heard what they were thinking? You read minds.I can read every mind in this room.Apart from yours.And then you.It's very frustrating.There's something wrong with me? -I tell you I can read minds and you think there's something wrong with you.I don't have.The strength.To stay away from you anymore.Okay, I think I'm warm enough now.Your hand is so cold.

    What is going on? -My dad's still here. Can you pull in? -It's my father's car in there.What is he doing here? -Carlisle, what's going on? -Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place.I just examined the body.Animal attack.Was it the same one that got that security guard down at Mason? -Most likely.It must be getting closer to town then.Bella, -you should go inside.Waylon was your father's friend.Um, I'll see you later.Dad, I'm really sorry.Not one gone in thirty years.Don't worry, we're gonna find this thing.In the meantime, -I want you to carry this with you.I don't know if.It would give your old man some peace of mind.Let's go home.You're impossibly fast.Your skin is pale white and ice cold.Your eyes change color.And sometimes you speak like.Like you're from a different time.You never eat or drink anything.You don't go out in the sunlight.How old are you?

    -How long have you been seventeen? -I know what you are.Are you afraid? -Then ask me the most basic question: -'What do we eat?' -You won't hurt me.Where are we going? -Up the mountain, out of the cloud bag.You need to see what I look like in the sunlight.This is why we don't show ourselves in sunlight.People would know we're different.This is what I am.It's like diamonds.You're beautiful. This is the skin of a killer, Bella.I'm a killer.I don't believe that.That's because you believe the lie.The camouflage.I'm the world's most dangerous predator.Everything about me invites you in.My voice, my face.

    Even my smell.As if I would need any of that.As if you could outrun me! -As if you could fight me off.I'm designed to kill.I don't care.I've killed people before.It doesn't matter.I wanted to kill you.I've never wanted a human's blood so much in my life.I trust you.I'm here, I trust you.My family, we're different from others of our kind.We only hunt animals.We've learned to control our thirst. Is like a drug to me.Like my own personal brand of heroin.Then, why did you hate me so much when we met? Only for making me want you so badly.I still don't know if I can control myself.I know you can.I can't read your mind, -you have to tell me what you're thinking.Now I'm afraid.I'm not afraid of you.I'm only afraid of losing you.Like you're going to disappear.You don't know how long I've waited for you.And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.What a stupid lamb.What a sick, masochistic lion. About three things I was absolutely positive: First, Edward was a vampire.

    Second, there was a part of him, and I didn't know how dominant that part might be, that thirsted for my blood. And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.Monte Carlo?

    That's our Prom theme? -Uhu, gambling.You know, everybody's staring.Not that guy.No, he just looked.I'm breaking all the rules now anyway.Since I'm going to hell. Does a person have to be dying.To become like you?

    -No, that's just Carlisle.He'd never do this to someone who had another choice.So, how long have you been like this? -That's when Carlisle found me.Dying of Spanish Influenza.What was it like? -The venom was excruciating.But what Carlisle did was much harder.Not many of us have the restraint to do that.But didn't he just have to.Not exactly.When we taste.Human blood.A sort of frenzy begins.It's almost impossible to stop.But Carlisle did.First with me.And then with his wife, Esme.So, is Carlisle the real reason that you don't.No, that's not the only reason.I don't want to be a monster.My family, we think of ourselves as vegetarians.' Cause we only survive on the blood of animals.It's like a human only living on toffee.It keeps you strong but you're never fully satisfied.It wouldn't be like drinking your blood, for instance.Was it other vampires that killed Waylon? -Yeah, -there are others out there.We run into them from time to time.Can the rest of your family read people's minds like you can? That's just me.But Alice can see the future.I bet she saw me coming.Alice's vision is subjective.I mean, the future can always change.Can you act human? -I mean, I've got neighbors.I'm gonna take you to my place tomorrow.Wait, with your family?

    -What if they don't like me? -So you're worried. Not because you'll be in a house full of vampires but.Because you think they won't approve of you? -I'm glad I missed you.A complication.I'll pick you up tomorrow. Come to visit your truck? -Got that dent out.Actually, we came to visit your flat-screen.First Mariners game of the season.Plus, Jacob here keeps bugging me about seeing you again.Just keeping it real, son.Well done, Chief.Harry Clearwater's homemade fish fry.Any luck with that Waylon case?

    -Well, I don't think it was an animal that killed him.I never thought it was.You spread the word out at the rez, huh? -Keep the kids out of the woods.Don't want no one else getting hurt, do we? -This is incredible.It's so white and open, you know.What did you expect.Coffins and dungeons and moats? -No, not the moats.Not the moats.This is the one place we don't have to hide.I told them not to do this. You add a little of olive oil to a non-stick saut pan.) -(.What I do, I cut this in strips and then.) -Is she even Italian? -Her name is Bella.I'm sure she'll love it no matter what.Get a whiff of that.Here comes the human.

    We're making Italiano for you.Bella, this is Esme. My mother for all intents and purposes.You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time.I hope you're hungry.Yeah, absolutely.She already ate.Yeah, it's just.I know you guys don't eat.Of course, it's very considerate of you.Just ignore Rosalie.Yeah, let's just keep pretending like this isn't dangerous for all of us.I would never tell anybody anything.She knows that.Yeah, well, the problem is.You two have become public now, so.No, she should know.The entire family will be implicated if this ends badly.Badly as in.I become the meal.Oh, you do smell good.Alice, what are you.?

    Bella and I are gonna be great friends.Sorry, Jasper's our newest vegetarian.It's a little difficult for him.It's a pleasure to meet you.It's okay, Jasper. You won't hurt her.I'm gonna take you on a tour of the rest of the house.I'll see you soon.I think that went well.Clean this up.Graduation caps? -Yeah, -it's a private joke.We matriculate a lot.That's kind of miserable. I mean, repeating High School over and over.Sure but the younger we start out in a new place, -the longer we can stay there. This is my room.No, -I don't sleep.You have so much music.What were you listening to? -It's Debussy.Clair de Lune is great.I can't dance.Well, I can always make you.I'm not scared of you.Well, you really shouldn't have said that.You better hold on tight, spider monkey.Do you trust me?

    -Then close your eyes.This isn't real.This kind of stuff just doesn't exist.It does in my world. Yo, what's happening?

    You and Cullen, huh? -I don't like it, -I mean.

    He looks at you like you're something to eat.Here's your veggie plate.I'm sorry I'm late. Biology Projects.I ordered you the Spam Salad.I hope that's okay.You should order one for yourself next time.Cup-egg on a steak.Hey, I'm as healthy as a horse. Boys wanna know, -Did you find anything down by Creek Silver today? -Yeah, We found a bare human footprint.But it looks like whatever that is, it's headed to east.So, Ketsap's County sheriff is gonna take over from here.I just hope they catch them fast.Looks like your friends are flagging you. If you wanna go, join them.I was gonna try to leave early anyway.Bella, Friday night.Looks like the Newton boy's got a big smile for you.Yeah, he's a good buddy.Better than any of these other yahoos in town.Anybody you're interested? -Dad, we're gonna talk about boys? -I guess not.I just feel like I leave alone too much.You should be around people.I don't mind being alone.I guess I'm kind of like my dad in that way.So, how's all the baseball stuff going?

    -Oh, Phil's working so hard. Spring training.We're looking for a house to rent in case thinks become more permanent.You'd like Jacksonville, baby.I'm really liking Forks.Forks is getting to me.Could a guy have anything to do with that?

    Tell me everything. I bet he's smart.Mom, can I talk to you later? -Come on, we gotta talk boys! Are you being safe?

    -How did you get in here? -Do you do that a lot? -Just the past couple months.I like watching you sleep.Kind of fascinating to me.Um, I just want to try one thing.Stay very still.I'm stronger than I thought. I wish I could say the same.I can never lose control with you.Hey, don't go.Hey, I got you another one.I have a date with Edward Cullen.He's a little old for you, isn't he?

    He's a junior, I'm a junior.I thought you liked the Cullens.I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town.Edward doesn't live in town.He's right outside.Yeah, he wanted to meet you.Bring him in.Could you be nice? -He is important. I want to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen.Bella won't be out too late tonight.She's just gonna play baseball with my family.Yes sir, that's the plan.Bella's gonna play baseball? -Well, good luck with that.I'll take good care of her, I promise. You still got that pepper spray?

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    -Since when do vampires like baseball? -Well, it's the American pastime.And.There's a thunderstorm coming. It's the only time we can play.You'll see why.I'm glad you're here. We need an umpire.She thinks we cheat.I know you cheat.Call them as you see them, Bella.Okay, now I see why you need the thunder.That's gonna be a homerun, right?

    -Edward's very fast.Babe, come on! It's just a game.My monkey-man.They were leaving, then they heard us.It's too late.Get your hair up.Like that would help.

    I could smell her from across the field.I shouldn't have brought you here. I'm so sorry.Just be quiet and stand behind me.I believe this belongs to you.I'm Laurent.And this is Victoria.I'm Carlisle.This is my family.I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us.Our apologies.We didn't realize the territory had been claimed. We maintain a permanent residence nearby.Well, we won't be a problem anymore.We were just passing through.The humans were tracking us but we lead them east.You should be safe.Could you use three more players? -Oh, come on. Just one game.Sure, -why not?

    -Three of us were leaving.You can take their place.You go first.I'm the one with the wicked curve-ball.Well, I think we can handle that.We shall see.You brought a snack.You're human? -The girl is with us.I think it best if you leave.I can see the game is over.We'll go now.Get Bella out of here.Okay, I've got it! Now James is coming after me? -Listen to me, James is a tracker.The hunt is his obsession. I read his mind.My reaction at the field set him off.I just made this his most exciting game ever.He's never gonna stop.What should we do?

    -We have to kill him.Rip him apart and burn the pieces.Where are we going? -Away from Forks.We'll get a ferry to Vancouver.I have to go home, now! You should take me home.You can't go home.He's just gonna trace your scent there. Junaid jamshed usa. It's the first place he's gonna look.But my dad is there.It doesn't matter! -Yes, it does! He could get killed because of us.Just let me get you out of here first, alright?

    -It's my dad! We have to go back.We'll figure how to lead the tracker away somehow. I don't know! -But we have to do something.Edward, I said leave me alone! -Bella, don't do this, please.It's over, get out! -Bella, what's going on?

    -I just gotta get out of here.I'm leaving.What am I gonna say to him? -I can't hurt him.Bella, what's going on? -You'll just have to.I'll be down at the truck.Did he hurt you? -Break up with you or something? I broke up with him.I thought you liked him.Yeah, that's just why I have to leave.I don't want this, I have to go home.

    Your mom is not even in Phoenix.She'll come home. I'll call her from the road.You don't have to drive home right now.You can sleep on it.If you still feel like going in the morning, I'll take you to the airport.No, I want to drive, it will give more time to think.If I get really tired, I'll pull into a motel.Look, Bella.I know I'm not that much fun to be around.But I can change that.We can do more stuff together. Like watch baseball on the flatscreen? -Eat at the dinner every night? Steak and Cobbler? -Dad, that's you.

    That's not me.Bella, come on. Got you back.Yeah, you know. If I don't get out now, -I'm just gonna be just stuck here like mom.Your father's gonna forgive you.Why don't you let me drive? -You should have seen his face.I told him the same thing that my mom told him when she was leaving him.It was the only way he'd let you go.Just don't worry about him now. The tracker's following us.It's just Emmett.Alice is in the car behind us.He came to warn us.This isn't my fight.I've grown tired of his games.But he's got unparalleled senses, absolutely lethal.I've never seen anything like him in my three hundred years.And the woman, Victoria. Don't underestimate her.I've had to fight our kind before.

    We're not easy to kill.But not impossible.We'll rip him apart and burn the pieces.I don't relish the thought of killing another creature.Even a sadistic one like James.What if he kills one of us first? -I'm gonna run Bella south and then lead the tracker away from here. James knows you'd never leave Bella. He'll follow you.I'll go with Bella. Jasper and I will drive her south.I'll keep her safe, Edward.Can you keep your thoughts to yourself? -Could you put these on so.The tracker will pick up Bella's scent? What is she to me?

    -Rosalie.Bella is with Edward. She is part of this family now.And we protect our family.If anything happens, I just.Nothing's gonna happen.There's seven of us against two of them.And when everything's done, I'm gonna come back and get you.Bella, you are my life now.

    It's me again.Um, you must have let your phone die or something.I'm not in Forks but everything's okay and I'll explain it later.Rose, among the three.That's good. What did you see?

    -He figured it out.The tracker. He just changed course.Where will it take him, Alice? A room full of mirrors.Edward said the visions weren't always certain.She sees the course people are on while they're on it.If they change their minds, the vision changes.So, the course that the tracker's on now is gonna lead him to. A ballet studio? -You've been here? -I took lessons as a kid.The school I went to had an arch just like that.Was your school here in Phoenix? -Edward, you okay?

    -We've lost the tracker. The woman's still in the area.Rosalie and Esme have gone back to Forks to protect your father.I'm coming to get you.Then you and I are gonna go somewhere.And the others will keep hunting.I'll do whatever it takes to make you safe again. I'm glad you got my message.What are you doing home? Bella, Bella?! Where are you? -Calm down, everything's fine.I'll explain everything later.

    Mom, are you alright? -Forks High School doesn't protect the student's privacy very well.It was just too easy for Victoria to find your previous address.It's a nice house you have here.I was prepared to wait for you.But then mom came home after she received.A very worried call from your dad.It all worked out quite well.(Please, wait.) -Don't touch her! -You can still save her.But you're gonna have to get away from your friends.Can you handle that? -Where should I meet you? -How about your old ballet studio?

    -And I'd know if you bring anyone along.Poor mommy would pay the price for that mistake. I'd never given much thought to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love, seems like a good way to go. I can't bring myself to regret the decisions that brought me face to face with dead.

    They also brought me to Edward. Bella, Bella?! Where are you?) -Mom.(Bella?) -Mom!

    -(Here you are! What are you doing in here?) -(Everyone makes fun of me.) -(You are a wonderful dancer.) -(Mom, I suck!) -(You do not suck.) -That's my favorite part.You were a stubborn child, weren't you? -She's not even here.

    But you really made it too easy. To make things more entertaining, -we are gonna make a little film of our time together.I borrowed this from your house. I hope you don't mind.That will break Edward's little heart.Edward has nothing to do with this! His rage will leave for more interesting sporthings.Than this feeble attempt to protect you.And let's continue. Very visually dynamic.I chose my stage well.It's too bad he didn't have the strength to turn you.Instead he kept you this fragile little human.It's cruel, really.Tell him to avenge you.Tell him to avenge you! -Edward, don't! -You're alone.

    'cause you're faster than the others.But not stronger.I'm strong enough to kill you.Bella, Bella! Remember who you are.Bella needs you.Your brothers will take care of it.Start the fire with the floor boards.Her femoral artery has been savaged. She's losing too much blood.No, no, my hand.It's the venom.You have to make a choice to prevent the change happen.It's gonna happen, Edward. I've seen it.It doesn't have to be that way.She'd still have what she has.Make me a tourniquet with your belt.Carlisle, what's my other option? -Tie it above my hands.To try to suck the venom out.You know I won't be able to stop.Then find the will. She only has minutes left.I can't make you go away, Bella.But I'll make it go away.Edward, stop!

    -The blood is clean, you're killing her.Edward, stop! Find the will. Dead is peaceful. Life is harder.Where is he? Where is Edward? -He's asleep.He never leaves.And your dad is down at the cafeteria.What happened?

    -Well, when you fell you broke your leg.And you lost a lot of blood.You don't remember any of this, do you? -Edward came down with his dad to try to convince to come back to Forks.So you went over to their hotel and you tripped.And fell down two flights of stairs.And through a window!

    -Yeah, it sounds like me. I'm so sorry.He's so worried about you.You're texting.? -Finally, yeah.I told him to stay down in Florida.

    You are gonna love Jacksonville. It's sunny everyday day.And we found the cutest little house and you've got your own bathroom. I still wanna live in Forks.I wanna live in Forks.

    We'll talk about it.Do you mind getting dad? -I have to talk to him.I'll go get him.And I'll go get a nurse, okay? -What happened?

    Where is James? -We took care of him.And the woman, Victoria, she ran off.I'm alive because of you.No, you're in here because of me.The worst part of it was.I thought I wasn't gonna be able to stop.You did stop.Bella, you gotta go to Jacksonville, -so I can't hurt you anymore.I don't even know what you're.? What are you talking about? -You want me to go away? I can't just leave you.We can't be apart. You can't leave me.

    Twilight 2008 Movie Cast

    You just can't just say stuff like that to me.Where else am I gonna go? -Alice lent me the dress.The cast is.I'll take care of her, Chief Swan.

    I've heard that before. I put a new can of Pepper spray on your bag.You look beautiful. Be right back.Are you crashing the prom or something? Did you come with a date? -My dad paid me to come talk to you.Twenty bucks.Let's hear it.Just don't get mad, okay? -He wants you to break up with your boyfriend.

    He said, -quote: -'We'll be watching you.' Well, tell him thanks.And to pay up.Oh, let me help you.I'll take it from here.I guess I'll see you around, Bella.I leave you alone for two minutes and the wolves descend.I can't believe you're making me do this. You are really trying to kill me.Prom is an important rite of passage.I don't want you to miss anything.You wanna go?

    Slowing it down.) -Shall we? -You're serious?

    -Oh, why not? You're dancing.Edward, why did you save me? -If you just had let the venom spread.I could be like you right now.You don't know what you're saying.You don't want this.I'm not gonna end your life for you.Every second I get closer.That's the way it's supposed to be.Alice said that she saw me like you.Her visions change.Yeah, but someday people decide.I've decided.Is that what you dream about? -Becoming a monster? -I dream about being with you forever.Are you ready right now?

    -Is it not enough just to have a long and happy life with me? No one will surrender tonight. But I wont give in. I know what I want. To Nanie, By Dixours.

    Twilight 2008 Movie Cast